About Us

What We Look To Achieve

Goals, Strategies, and Metrics


The IMAGINE Berks planning team gathered valuable insights and feedback from the community members and reviewed this information in conjunction with quantitative data to form a comprehensive understanding of Berks County’s economy – both its current state and future outlook. The planning team used this information to assess the community’s strengths, challenges, and opportunities. Based on this analysis, five focus areas were identified:

For each of these focus areas, the project team prioritized goals and strategies based on their potential impact on economic development and feasibility for implementation. Metric were assigned to each focus area to track the progress of implementation. and overall state of the economy over the course of this 5 year plan.

Listen and Learn

Community Presentations: Berks Alliance

Fostering Collaboration

IMAGINE Berks was more than a planning process...

It continues as an opportunity for the community to direct actions to realize our vision of Berks County as a place where all residents and businesses can thrive, entrepreneurship and innovation flourish, and the region’s diversity is celebrated and supported, enabling all Berks County residents to prosper. Sure, the result of the work was an Economic Development Action Plan, but that was just the first milestone. From there we are investing time and resources into implementing the plan with our community partners. This website is an evolving resource to share information about the plan and its goals. We hope that you stay up to date as we implement the strategies — let’s imagine and build a better Berks County.